Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Painting No. 24 - Back Garden in the Sun

Oil on Canvas Board 16" x 24"

Well this has been a pleasant surprise.  I started this weeks ago as an experiment in plein air painting (albeit from the safety of my back garden (again!)).  The first pass was not very impressive so I left it for a while.

I then picked it up after finishing the previous two paintings.  I've practically repainted it.

It has been interesting due to the challenges of the shaded areas versus the sunny areas.  I'm not sure this comes out properly in the photograph.  I like the contrast of the sun loungers against the dark background and the sunlit bushes.  I also feel that I've managed to get the depth of field quite well.

I plan to come back to this again at some point to tidy up the house brickwork and windows but for now I'm happy with it.